about us

The Non Governmental Organization (NGO) "For Adolescent Health" (FAH) has been founded and activated, having as a vision the promotion of adolescent health in Greece, also Europe and internationally. The activities of FAH have been focusing on all clinical, educational and research levels. There is also a significant aspect on charity actions regarding youth in need.
Actions of FAH are in collaboration with the Adolescent Health Unit (AHU) of the Second Department of Pediatrics- University of Athens (www.youth-health.gr) and also other local NGOs, European and International Organizations:
• Greek Society of Adolescent Medicine (www.youthmed.gr)
• Greek Pediatric Society (www.e-child.gr)
• Obrela (www.obrela.gr)
• International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) (www.iaah.org)
• European Pediatric Association (www.epa-unepsa.org)
• Women' s Federation for World Peace (WFWP)
• Enacso (European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online) (www.enacso.eu)
• The United Nations (UN) Office, Geneva
• The International Pediatric Association (IPA) (www.ipa-world.com)
• The "Western Michigan University", School of Medicine (www.wmich.edu)
• The "University of Kentucky" (UK) (www.uky.edu)
Adolescents are a vulnerable age group and their quality of life reflects issues of their environment, thus all psychosocial difficulties of their society. During this period the individual gradually takes control of his/her life and health and establishes the knowledge and habits that will continue in adulthood and determine life quality and limit potential morbidity. It is the key age of prevention and health education and our unique opportunity to develop healthy, happy and functioning adults.
This is the vision of FAH taking under consideration that there is a gap in youth friendly services provided in Greece, Europe and the developing countries.