Spyridoula studied for a B.Sc. Psychology at the School of Social Sciences, University of Crete (1987 - 1991)

Between 1998 and 1992 she undertook training in Systemic Psychotherapy and Family Therapy at the Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (LSHR), Athens, Greece. She has also had specialised training in special education, group dynamics, counselling, drug abuse treatment, motivational interviewing, relationships counselling and in management and social planning of addictions at the Training Institute of the Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals (KETHEA), Athens, Greece.
Between 1998 and 2011, she worked at the Therapy Centre for Addicted People (ΚΕΘΕΑ-ΠΛΕΥΣΗ), primarily with teenagers, occasional users of psychotropic substances and their families. From 2008 to 2011 she also worked at the same organisation providing support and treatment to families of adolescents and young people who have experienced psychological as well as social problems as a result of internet use.
She has been invited and participated in conferences and fora on issues concerning addiction from psychotropic substances and the internet as well as counselling and family therapy.
Currently she works privately as a psychotherapist - family therapist whilst she is an affiliate to the Adolescent Health Unit at “P.& A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital in Athens, Greece


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