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The EU NET ADB research project aims to augment the knowledge base of the Internet addictive behaviour risk among adolescents in Europe. A representative sample of 13.284 adolescents aged 14-17, from 7 European countries, was surveyed. Additionally, 124 qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted. The study took place in Greece, Germany, the Netherlands, Iceland, Poland, Romania and Spain.

Internet addictive behaviour in adolescence  - EUNETADB

  The survey included questions regarding adolescents' internet access and use; positive as well as potentially harmful and risky experiences; internet addictive behaviours; online communication and social networking; computer gaming and gambling. The qualitative interviews were aimed at discovering the process of the development of internet addictive behavior as well as the potential risk and protective factors.

  The EU NET ADB study is funded by the European Commission's Safer Internet Programme (SI-2011-KEP-4101007), a multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies.